
#WeAreWinter has been going around and getting more popular as the Sochi Winter Olympics progresses. Canada has been known worldwide for being one of the top teams in the world when it comes to the winter Olympics. It makes sense, really. A country in which almost half the year it is covered in snow.

So it only makes sense that we would excel. But there is one other thing that seems to go along with being Canadian. One thing that seems to be a positive stereotype of Canadians is that we are absurdly nice. It may be because of the cold weather (hot weather has scientifically been proven to make people more grumpy), or it could be because we all live so far away from each other and therefore when we run into another person, it’s a big deal (just kidding –we have cities too).

It makes me proud to say I come from such a caring country. Still in the first week of the Olympics, and Canada has already proven who we are to the rest of the world, and that we live up to our stereotype.

Proud to be Canadian, proud to be winter. #WeAreWinter

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