Day 28: Sorrow

Time seemed to slow for Kacey. She stood, her hair billowed from the wind, sparks dancing in and out of the strands. Her face was frozen in fear and shock as she looked upon the overturned car, flames hungrily licking the hood. Jamie was still in there, trapped in the driver’s seat.

Kacey could see him frantically trying to unbuckle the seatbelt around him. She heard her own voice as if from far away, screaming his name. His eyes met hers for a brief second, a plea for help upon his face. She leaned forward, as if to bolt to his aid, when suddenly the car erupted into a ball of flame, the heat causing an explosion from the gas tank.

Her body slumped forward and she crumpled to the floor, pure anguish written on her face. The tears streamed down her cheeks as she screamed out his name. Her throat was raw as she cried out over and over, unable to come to terms with what she had just seen. She numbly felt a hand on her shoulder. Someone’s voice came from far away, asking if she was hurt. She continued to hoarsely cry out for Jamie, nothing else mattered.

Gentle hands picked her up from off the ground and laid her down on a stretcher. Distantly, she felt someone wrapping something around her leg, but she felt no physical pain. Her voice was inaudible now, but she continued to call out for Jamie until she felt herself being pulled away from reality and into the nightmares that awaited her in darkness.

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